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Image saying Tips & Tricks for remote teams with an illustration of a girl sitting with a laptop at home to show remote work.
Tools & Tips

9 Tips to Improve Productivity Among Remote Teams

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the move to remote work, pushing businesses to go digital. FinOps tools played a key role in this shift, helping finance teams stay effective despite being physically apart. Even after the pandemic, the advantages of remote work remain clear. As remote work continues, FinOps tools, like

Tools & Tips

8 Swipey Hacks to Unleash Business Growth

We all strive to maximize our productivity and efficiency. However, it can sometimes feel like a burdensome task, leading us to search for clever shortcuts. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a “hack” to make it effortless? That’s the thinking behind Swipey – we’re all about making financial operations

Swipey Insights

Revolutionize Your Bookkeeping with Swipey

Imagine this scenario: You’ve just wrapped up a successful month for your business. Sales are booming, projects are on track, and you’re feeling optimistic about the future. However, a dark cloud appears on the horizon – bookkeeping. Every business transaction turns a flimsy receipt into crucial evidence. These receipts, whether


Optimizing Expense Management for International Trade

Managing finances in international trade is a complex yet crucial task. Both importers and exporters face distinctive challenges, such as juggling international payments, tracking cross-border expenditures, and staying compliant with global trade regulations. Swipey offers a digital expense management solution specifically designed to simplify these processes for importers and exporters.

Close-up of a hand holding a phone with a shopping basket app open. There are coins around the phone. Text on the screen says “Sswipey, Your ultimate e-Commerce financial partner”.

E-commerce Finance Revolutionized: How Swipey Transforms Your Online Business

In the busy world of e-commerce and online shopping, effective money management is key to doing well. Swipey comes in as a game-changing tool that meets the unique financial demands of online stores. It’s more than just handling sales and purchases; it’s about improving them to boost your online business.

Swipey logo on the top left. PDF and XLS sheet icons below the logo, with a receipt. Text saying Swipey Statements on the right, with subtext saying detailed reports and sharable links.
Tools & Tips

Simplify and Elevate Your Business Insights with Swipey Statements

Have you ever felt like you’re spending too much time wrestling with pie charts and spreadsheets? Dealing with a constant flow of data, especially when handling numerous receipts and manually entering information, can be stressful and time-consuming. Fortunately, technology is advancing rapidly, seamlessly integrating with various fields like finance management.

Image showing Swipey Dashboard (Merchant Control settings) and illustrations of Swipey Cards with two faces and coins around it in a teal background. The text says "Quick dive into Swipey's Merchant Control."
Tools & Tips

A Quick Dive into Swipey’s Merchant Control

In today’s fast-paced world, mastering financial management is crucial, leading to the creation of various platforms, tools, and apps to simplify life for everyone. Amidst this, Swipey offers a range of functions, providing users with a smart platform to navigate their finances with confidence. Among these, let’s delve into Merchant

Two people holding cell phones with a VISA card in the middle (on the top). The text on the credit card says "Swipey 3952 VISA" and the image says "Protect your funds using FREEZE or CLAWBACK!" The image is about how to protect your finances using these features.
Tools & Tips

Protect Your Finances Using the Freeze or Clawback Function

Providing employees with financial responsibilities can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Whether it’s managing a shared corporate card or handling petty cash, there’s always a risk of misplacement or inappropriate spending unrelated to the business. In such situations, there’s a clear need for a solution that provides greater control and

Tools & Tips

Individual Cards: A Headache-free Alternative to Shared Corporate Cards

Being part of a business, regardless of its size, involves numerous expenses. At times, you may need to spend on behalf of the business. This could involve simple tasks like treating a client to lunch, funding a marketing campaign, or traveling abroad for meetings, among other things. Often, you’re left

Image of a worker (for example, an accountant) who is sitting at her office desk with a happy smile on her face.
Future of Work

Swipey for Accountants: Streamlining Finances for Enhanced Efficiency and Growth

It’s no surprise that technology has taken us by storm, with things like robots and AI becoming more common. Some worry this means they will replace human jobs completely. But others see it differently – they’re just tools that can make life better, saving us time for other things. Think

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