3 Components That Will Make Or Break Your Business

value, time, money


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What is value? This is an age-old question every business owner and entrepreneur faces. To come to a definitive answer, you have to ask yourself: What does the term value mean to you? For many, two components to business value come to mind immediately—time and money. 

The Importance of Saving Time to Make More Money

The first component that would give business owners a sense of value is money, which should not come as a surprise. Almost everything in life is assigned a monetary value. You don’t pay for a brand-new car or your medical expenses with hard work and efficiency. You pay for it with money.

The second component is time. As the saying goes, “time is money,” and big names on Wall Street and Silicon Valley reinforced this idea. Saving time often means saving money, since time spent on productive tasks can lead to better financial returns.

In the business landscape, you many find yourself spending large amounts of time on repetitive, mundane tasks that do not contribute significant business value. These tasks are mandatory but it hinders more important work that can contribute to the growth of your business.

How Swipey Helps Businesses Create Value

In developed markets like the United States, China, and Hong Kong businesses have long embraced solutions that streamline operations and increased efficiency. From expense management to consolidating accounts and payroll processing, tech solutions have become incredibly important in saving time and money.

Now, regional fintech companies like Swipey are providing affordable and accessible solutions to businesses closer to home. Swipey is your all-in-one expense management tool, designed to help businesses reimagine how they manage their finances.

With Swipey, businesses can issue physical cards and unlimited virtual Visa cards to track expenses without hassle. Our platform also provides valuable analytics, giving them a complete picture of their expenses. Plus with Swipey’s lower FX rates for international payments, businesses can save money in comparison to traditional bank cards.

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Save Time with Swipey’s Automation Features

One of Swipey’s many features is to allow users to set card spending limits, which helps prevent fraudeulent transactions. Virtual cards can also be issued on a case-by-case basis, with the added option to dissolve them after use.

To take it a step further, Swipey empowers businesses by providing access to other software tools through our platform.This not only saves time and money but also adds value to your business by improving overall efficiency.

A Complete Financial Solution for Your Business

Let’s illustrate this with a simple analogy. Imagine that your business is all about producing and selling orange juice. Currently, you squeeze the oranges manually, which takes up a lot of time. Enter: Swipey, who gives you a card and directs you to Ikea. You top up that card, browse Ikea, and purchase a juicer that saves you time.

But what if you’re too busy to make the purchase yourself? Or, what if you need to make regular payments to your suppliers every month, but they’re located overseas? Swipey offers solutions to all of these problems by automating processes, managing payments, and ensuring smooth international transactions. This level of automation allows you to focus more on the tasks that add value to your business.

Unlocking Business Value with Swipey

To reiterate, time and money create perceived business value. And by using Swipey, you’ll be taking your business growth and expense management to the next level. Discover how to streamline tracking, controls, reporting, and secure spending—transform your business today.

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