Hello Digital Petty Cash, Goodbye Cash Advances

Image showing text which reads "Say hello to digital petty cash with Swipey" and an illustration on the right which shows a man holding a big wallet and money pouring down from it into the phone - signifying an eWallet or digital petty cash.


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Are you grappling with the challenges of managing petty cash transactions, drowning in a pile of paper receipts, and struggling with time-consuming manual processes? Swipey alleviates these burdens and empowers your team to operate more efficiently and effectively with digital petty cash!

Picture this scenario

Sara, the marketing head at a growing startup, manages petty cash for various marketing ad spends. However, she constantly struggles with distributing cash to her team, juggling receipts, and spending hours reconciling transactions before handing them over to the finance team. Swipey resolves Sara’s predicaments easily – digital petty cash with Swipey allows her to bid farewell to the headaches of traditional cash handling.

Here’s how it works and what you can expect

Convenience and Accessibility

Swipey eliminates cumbersome cash management. Team members get instant access to Swipey VISA corporate cards, enabling seamless purchases without needing to ask Sara for funds or reimbursements every time. With these cards, the team makes purchases on-the-go without worrying about shortages or delays.

Real-Time Insights

Sara no longer worries about lost receipts or paper trails. Swipey meticulously records every transaction with just a photo, and these transactions are visible on the dashboard. The Swipey platform guarantees real-time visibility into spending patterns, allowing Sara to monitor budgets, identify spending trends, and make informed financial decisions. Generating detailed reports for the finance team is just a few clicks away, helping to avoid budget overruns.

Enhanced Security

Physical cash attracts theft, especially when carried around. Swipey eliminates the risk of loss or theft, and Sara rests easy knowing that company funds are secure and protected against unauthorized use. The merchant control feature even allows disabling ATM withdrawals to further increase security.

Time Savings

Pre-allocated funds on each card save employees from constantly seeking Sara’s approval. This not only saves Sara’s time but also the team’s time, which they can focus on other strategic initiatives. The elimination of manual processes and administrative overhead enhances productivity and efficiency – after all, time is money.

Enhanced Control and Compliance

Sara takes better control of the budget and funds with Swipey’s customizable spending limits and approval workflows. Whether managing marketing ad spends or campaign budgets, Sara controls how company funds are spent. Swipey also provides a detailed audit trail for transactions, ensuring financial accountability and compliance with regulatory requirements, giving Sara and the finance team peace of mind.

Move On From Traditional Petty Cash

Swipey offers a revolutionary solution to the age-old petty cash dilemma. By simplifying expense management, enhancing security, and providing real-time insights, Swipey empowers businesses like Sara’s to take control of their finances and unlock their full potential. Say goodbye to petty cash headaches and embrace the future of expense management with Swipey!

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